Monday, March 19, 2007

My Blog Was Mushroom Clouded by Fly

Argggg. . . so last night I posted the video of my domain being mushroom clouded by Fly. And then this morning, I open up the blog, and it truly was blown up. My sidebar was at the bottom, my text didn't fit right, etc... So I deleted the post of the bomb, along with Fly's comments about naked pictures, which is truly a tragedy to not have that fine piece of literature for the archives. I thought that maybe the video screwed things up. But it didn't help. I went in and adjusted some html, and got my sidebar back on the side, but things still aren't quite right. Any help from any bloggers out there as to what could be going on will be greatly appreciated.


Broker A said...

Sorry, you cannot be helped, for you have been "mushroom clouded."

Anonymous said...

I was the victim of some off color humor last night as well.

Anonymous said...

err I mean my blog was the site of it and broker a was apparently the target. I don't have time for this shit I just want to trade (and maintain a superior blog to TWW)

Jeff said...

I'm really pissed. I spent about 2 hours this weekend getting things rearranged, and now it is all out of whack. I'm hoping that once I get home I can pull up a previously saved version of the code and figure out what is going on.

Trading Goddess said...

I was one of the fortunate ones to see Mr. Fly's comment in your post before it got mushroom clouded.

I will be selling my eyewitness account of the debacle later this afternoon in a private auction on GMKT.

btw, Woody? How much would you charge me to set my blog up in the 3 column template? I love it!!!

Jeff said...

TG- email the specifics of your template, not the code, but the name of the template, and I'll see what I can do. I'm not very good at it. I used to get mine. They have some modifications to standard blogger templates over there. Then, I modified it even more. If they have a 3 column mod. for your template, I'l start poking around and see if I can help. If there does not exist a 3 column mod. for your template, I probably won't be able to help. Then there is the issue with links, archives etc. If we can make it happen, there will be no charge.

Trading Goddess said...


I don't care about my current template whatsoever!

I just don't want to lose the links and labels.

Really, any 3 column template will be fabulous!

And I will find a way to repay your kindness.

Paul Currington said...

Geez, I wake up from a 3-day drunk and everything goes to hell. What's going on? Why did Woody get shitcanned? Is Fly shooting Listerine into his balls again?

Plus, I missed some kind of mushroom cloud. Damn. Somebody wake me up next time.

Jeff said...

lol lmao hahah heheh....
The wife and I went out tonight....I'm drunk, and angrystockbroker is the funniest m-fer in the blogosphere.